Importing global variables in Angular SCSS files

Considering a transition to SCSS within my Angular project, I am primarily interested in utilizing the variables feature. Currently, I have been relying on CSS variables, which are conveniently declared in :root in my styles.css file and can be accessed in all component-specific CSS files across the application.

My query pertains to whether it is possible to implement global imports for SCSS (similar to what is achievable with CSS)? It seems cumbersome to shift from a language that inherently allows global importing (CSS) to one that necessitates variable imports each time they are needed (SCSS).

The idea that an improved version would mandate additional steps like this leaves me feeling somewhat let down. I am confident there must be a way to avoid having to import variables individually into every SCSS file where they are required.

For instance, I aim to define variables in my styles.scss file and seamlessly utilize them in any component's stylesheet without requiring explicit imports. In CSS, variables like --MyVar declared in :root are readily accessible from any component's CSS.

Answer №1

Consider this approach when working with variables:



@import "components/_checkbox";
@import "components/_button";

In the example above, I declare my variables only once and can use them throughout my partial sass file.

Another option is to create a partial sass file that includes all your variables and import it just once.


@import "_variables.scss";
@import "components/_checkbox";
@import "components/_button";

Answer №2

It's not necessary to import the SCSS variable everywhere you want to use it.

For instance, if you have a file called _variables.scss


you can simply import this file in your main.scss


@import "variables.scss";

Then, when you want to use these variables in another file like _button.scss



You can directly use these variables as long as you import the _button.scss file in the main.scss file after importing variable.scss

By placing it after the varibles.scss import, you ensure that the variables will be accessible in the button.scss file


@import "variables.scss";
@import "button.scss";

When it comes to CSS variables, feel free to use them in SCSS,

you can test the following snippet on Sassmeister

  --gridWidth: 45px; 
  --gridHeight: 45px; 

.Grid {
    width: var(--gridWidth);
    height: var(--gridHeight);
    border: 1px solid black;

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