Implementing JavaScript to add a loading spinner to a specific cell

Currently, I'm utilizing the code below (not my original) in order to load an image into a css element (referred to as cell) and showcase an activity indicator.

var cell = document.createElement('li');
cell.textContent = this.labelForIndex(index);
var indicator = new NKActivityIndicator(); 
$(cell).css("background-image", "url("+iconImage+")"); 

I am now seeking assistance on how to position the indicator in the center of the cell. The line of code

specifies the position, width, and color of the indicator. I wish to center it within the cell. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

To find the center of a cell, you have the option of using either jQuery's .position() or .offset(). By combining these methods with .height() and .width(), you can accurately position your component in the middle of the cell.

Answer №2

Just by conversing in the comments:

All you require is $(box).width() and $(box).height()

Avoid using .position() or .offset(), not necessary right now...

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