Implementing CSS styles on selected elements using jQuery

My current HTML layout looks like this..

<div class="container>

    <div class="panel">
                    <img class="match" src="myimage.jpg">

    <div class="panel">
            <div class="item">
                <div class="img_container">
                    <img class="match">


I am looking to transform it into the following layout..

<div class="container style="align-items: stretch;">

    <div class="panel">
                    <img class="match" src="myimage.jpg">

    <div class="panel">
       <div style="height: 100%;">
            <div class="item style="height:  100%;">
                <div class="img_container" style="height:  100%;">
                    <img class="match" src="myimage.jpg">


Even after exploring CSS selectors, they are not suitable for this specific instance.

Is there a way to achieve this using jQuery? I want to check for the existence of the container class and then apply the CSS to the items.

Answer №1

Here is a possible solution for what you are looking for. Feel free to test it out to see if it functions correctly.

// Apply 'align-items' CSS property to the container if it exists
// $('.container').css('align-items','stretch');
// Updated code to only apply 'align-items' to container elements containing an image with the class 'match'

// Set the height of elements with class 'item' to 100%

// Get the source of the first image element with class 'match' and assign it to the second image element with class 'match'
var src = $('.match').first().attr('src');

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