Implementing CSS keyframe animations in a customized Material UI component using React, Material UI, and JSS

I'm facing an issue with adding a CSS keyframe animation to my Material UI custom styled component. Whenever I try to add a keyframe animation, it throws an error in my code setup:

const PulsatingCircle = styled("div")(({
}) => ({
  "@keyframes pulsate": {
    from: {
      opacity: 1,
      transform: "scale(1)",
    to: {
      opacity: 0,
      transform: "scale(2)",
  background: theme.palette.primary.main,
  borderRadius: "100%",
  animation: "$plusate 1s infinite ease",
  position: "absolute",
  zIndex: -2,

The current code snippet triggers the following error message:

TypeError: container.addRule(...).addRule is not a function
  90 |   }));
  91 | } else if (isNestedConditional) {
  92 |   // Place conditional right after the parent rule to ensure right ordering.
> 93 |   container.addRule(prop, {}, options) // Flow expects more options but they aren't required
     | ^  94 |   // And flow doesn't know this will always be a StyleRule which has the addRule method
  95 |   // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-use]
  96 |   // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing]

Is there a workaround for integrating @keyframes into a styled component using Material UI's styles API and not styled components?

Note: My implementation relies on Material UI's native styles API instead of styled components.

Answer №1

You initially defined the animation as pulsate but then referenced it as plusate... Be sure to correct that error first! Additionally, consider removing the $ from the animation name.

It is uncertain which version of Material-UI you are utilizing, however, for MUI v5, the following code should function:

const Keyframes = styled("div")({
  "@keyframes pulsate": {
    from: {
      opacity: 1,
      transform: "scale(1)"
    to: {
      opacity: 0,
      transform: "scale(2)"
  animation: "pulsate 1s infinite ease",

The above code can be found in a functional sandbox environment

Here is another illustrative example sourced from the MUI documentation

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