Implementing CSS counter-increment with jQuery

Is there a way to use jQuery to set the CSS counter-increment attribute on ".demo:before" even though jQuery cannot access pseudo elements directly? I recall seeing a suggestion on Stack Overflow about using a data attribute and then referencing that value in the CSS, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Can this actually be achieved?

Here's a simplified example to illustrate my question:


<ul class="demo">


// 1) The user defines the unit size
var myUnit = 100;

// 2) Saving the unit size as a data attribute
$('.demo li').attr('data-unit', myUnit);


.demo {
    counter-reset: list;

.demo li:before {
    /* 3) Attempting to get the data attribute with jQuery and use it as an increment - currently not functioning as intended :( */
    counter-increment: list attr(data-unit);
    content: counter(list);

Answer №1

If you're looking to simplify your CSS workflow, consider using a css-preprocessor for compiling the code.

For example, let's take a look at how this can be done using SCSS:

This method allows for different counter increments based on specific numbers provided. It works well when you have predetermined values for incrementing. For instance, if the values in question are 100, 200, and 300, you can use an @each loop to generate CSS for these known numbers.

If you have a general idea of the range of values being passed, you can also utilize an @for loop (especially useful with limited numbers).

$values: 100, 200, 300;
@each $i in $values {
    & > li::before{
      counter-increment: list #{$i};

.demo {
    counter-reset: list;

.demo li:before {
    content: counter(list);

Check out this Working Fiddle (modify the data-num attribute value to 200 or 300)

Below is the compiled CSS output:

.demo[data-num="100"] > li::before {
  counter-increment: list 100;

.demo[data-num="200"] > li::before {
  counter-increment: list 200;

.demo[data-num="300"] > li::before {
  counter-increment: list 300;

.demo {
  counter-reset: list;

.demo li:before {
  content: counter(list);

Answer №2

For each li, the counter should be increased, not for :before. Here is a demo of how to do this:

var unitValue = 100;
$(".demo li").css("counter-increment", "list " + unitValue);
$("button").click(function(e) {
    $(".demo li").css("counter-increment", "list " + 200);    

Answer №3

Here is an alternative approach that achieves the desired outcome without using CSS:

let unitSize = 50;
$('.example').data('size', unitSize);
$('.example li').each(function () {
    $(this).text($('.example').data('size') * ($(this).index() + 1));

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