Implementing a Vue.js v-bind:style attribute onto a dynamically generated element post-page initialization

Let me start by explaining my current issue and dilemma: I have been tasked with converting an existing JS project into a Vue.js framework.

While I could easily solve a particular problem using jQuery, it seems to be posing quite a challenge when it comes to implementing it in Vue.js

My predicament lies in the fact that I need to dynamically create canvasses after the entire page has loaded, and then append them to a canvas container div. Furthermore, I am required to alter the CSS of these canvasses collectively upon clicking a button. Currently, the canvasses are being added using document.createElement('canvas').

The recommended approach in Vue.js would involve applying a v-bind:style attribute to the canvas element and modifying it by manipulating a variable defined within the data() method of the Vue JS code. This can be achieved as follows:

<canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
<button v-on:click="customWidth++">+</button>

However, where I seem to face confusion is if I attempt to add the v-bind:style attribute while generating a canvas in this manner:

canvas.setAttribute('v-bind:style', '{width: customWidth}')
, Vue.js may not recognize its presence since it was generated post-loading of the page.

I am seeking advice or suggestions on resolving this specific issue.

To provide visual context, consider the following transformation:

<div id="canvas-container"><div>
<button v-on:click="customWidth++">+</button>
<button v-on:click="customWidth--">-</button>

should be updated to look like this:

<div id="canvas-container">
   <canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
   <canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
   <canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
   <canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
   <canvas v-bind:style="{width: customWidth}"></canvas>
<button v-on:click="customWidth++">+</button>
<button v-on:click="customWidth--">-</button>

Incorporate the following Vue JS code snippet:

      customWidth: 100

This will ensure responsiveness to the button actions.

Answer №1

Transforming everything to Vue and employing a v-for loop to generate the canvases would be optimal. However, if that proves difficult, resorting to pure JavaScript is also an option.

document.querySelector('#canvas-container canvas')

Then proceed to apply the style accordingly using this method.

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