Implemented a scroll event listener on an element which correctly shifts in the desired direction only when the scrollTop value is not equal to 0

Recently, I created a small script that manages two lists of tasks - Finished/Active tasks. Users have the option to switch a task's list by clicking a button or view more details about the task by hitting "more info". A new div element is generated when the user clicks on "more info", which should follow its host element's Y position. However, I've encountered a bug where the tooltip jumps up and covers the task itself when scrolling. Here's an image showcasing the issue: enter image description here

The problem seems to occur whenever the scrollable elements scrollTop property isn't 0. Although, I'm confident that the creation process of the element is correct. Still, as I'm relatively new to coding and not very familiar with CSS/HTML, pinpointing the root cause has been challenging.

createTooltip() {
    // Code snippet for creating tooltips

I am including the HTML and CSS snippets from the course instructor for context:

HTML Snippet:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- Head section content -->
    <!-- Body section content -->

CSS Snippet:

* {
  box-sizing: border-box;

html {
  font-family: sans-serif;

body {
  margin: 0;

/* CSS styles go here */

#finished-projects header h2 {
  color: white;
  margin: 0;

Answer №1

To resolve this issue, consider utilizing CSS to make the necessary adjustments instead of relying solely on Javascript: = 'absolute'; = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';

In order to implement these changes, update your CSS with the following modifications:

li.card {
    position: relative;
div.card {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0; /* Adjust as needed */
    left: 0; /* Experiment with values */
    z-index: 1;

For this solution to be effective, ensure that the div.card element created in your Javascript code is a child element within the appropriate li.card element. It is assumed that your original code resembles something like the example provided in the comment linked here: Sample CodePen, given the difficulty in running your original script.

The reason why your initial position:absolute setting did not produce the desired outcome was due to the default positioning of the parent li.card being set to static.

UPDATE: Don't forget to include the z-index property to prevent overlap issues with subsequent li.card elements.

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