Implement a jQuery slideshow with a full background image, aiming to set up a clickable link on the final image of the

Could someone please help me with a query I have regarding a background image slide show using jQuery code? I have set up a slide show with multiple images and would like to make the last image clickable. Is it possible to achieve this specific functionality?

Here is the link to what I have done so far for reference:

The plugin I am using is BGSLIDER-INIT.JS

/*global $:false */
/*global window: false */

  "use strict";

$(function ($) {

            controls:false, //updated in v1.1
            preserveTop: true,





I am looking to make the last image (image06) clickable. Could someone guide me on how to modify the code to add this interactivity? I also want to link it to a section on my page and assign a scroll class to it.

Answer №1

It appears that the slideshow is using a div class called "mbBgndGallery" to set a background. Although the slideshow isn't functioning properly for me at the moment, I suspect that this plugin is replacing the img src. Assuming that you are aware of which image is the last one in the slideshow, it seems to be "images/bg/06.jpg". Therefore, I would suggest writing something like this:

 if($('.mbBgndGallery img').attr('src') === 'images/bg/06.jpg') {
     $('.mbBgndGallery').on('click', function() {
         window.location = "";

Keep in mind that this if statement will only be executed when the page loads. Ideally, this code should be integrated directly into the plugin itself. However, if you are unsure how to do so, setting an interval to check each time the image changes might be a solution. Since it appears that images are being changed every 1300 ms, set an interval for approximately the same amount of time with a slight offset.

 var i = setInterval(function() {
    if($('.mbBgndGallery img').attr('src') === 'images/bg/06.jpg') {
       $('.mbBgndGallery').on('click', function() {
           window.location = "";
 }, 1350);  

Answer №2

Utilize the .click() method in jQuery:

$('.mbBgndGallery').click(function() {
    $(this).find('img').each(function() {
        if( $(this).attr('src') == 'images/bg/06.jpg' )

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