IMG creates scroll bars even when width is set as percentage

In a previous discussion about how padding is calculated when using percentages (%), it was mentioned that the padding is determined based on the parent element's width.

Now, I have come across the following CSS assignment:

    background-color : #3E3E42;

    margin           : 0;
    border           : 0;
    padding          : 1%;

    width            : 99%;

When this CSS is applied to an <img> tag like below:

<img class="img_tutorial_full_width" src="../img/example.jpg"></img>

I would expect the container to stretch across the full width of the page since

margin + border = 0 + padding = 1% + content = 99% = 100%

However, the browser displays scrollbars that grow wider as the window size increases. What could be the issue here?

Answer №1

Typically, images are considered inline elements which ignore height and width properties. To overcome this issue, simply add display: block; or display: inline-block to the .img_tutorial_full_width class and it will function properly.

Additionally, remember that applying padding-top, padding-bottom, margin-top, and margin-bottom will have no effect on inline elements. For a more detailed explanation, refer to this informative article.

Answer №2

When the total width is 100%, applying padding: 1%; will allocate 1% on the left and 1% on the right, adding up to a total of 2%

    background-color : #3E3E42;

    margin           : 0;
    border           : 0;
    padding          : 1%;

    width            : 98%;

This strategy works as intended because 98% + 2 * 1% = 100%

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