I'm wondering if there is a specialized event for leaving the "select scroller" interface on iOS that is specific to vendors

Recently, I encountered a problem with iOS where tapping on a <select> box triggers the "scroll wheel" interface, pushing the modal being accessed upwards. While this behavior is acceptable, the issue arises when the modal fails to retain its original position after the interface closes.

I am seeking solutions that involve utilizing vendor-specific DOMEvents or CSS pseudo-elements to trigger a recalculation of the modal's position and adjust it accordingly once the UI element is closed (either by selecting "done" or tapping outside the interface). Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

My experience was quite similar, albeit not exactly the same, with the iOS scrolling select widget. Whenever I opened the scrolling select widget, the page would unexpectedly zoom in and fail to zoom back out upon closing.

To my surprise, the solution involved setting the font-size to a relatively large value:

/* Workaround for iPhone4+ select box issue */
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2) {
    select { font-size: 2em; }

This fix targeted iPhones explicitly using a media query.

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