Make sure to create a container DIV with the CSS class of "menu". Inside this .menu DIV, there should be 4 additional DIV elements, each having a class of "item".
Every .item DIV needs to have an IMAGE element that displays a placeholder image from , and also include a PARAGRAPH with a class of "mdc-typography--headline6".
I've included the code below, but commented out the actual placeholder images since I'm unable to post them at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
<div class="item">
<!--<img src="" />-->
<p1 class="mdc-typograpy--headline6"></p1>
<div class="item">
<!-- <img src=""/> --->
<p1 class="mdc-typograpy--headline6"></p1>
<div class="item">
<!--<img src=""/>--->
<p1 class="mdc-typograpy--headline6"></p1>
<div class="item">
<!--<img src=""/>--->
<p1 class="mdc-typograpy--headline6"></p1>