I'm trying to position this div within a table so that it lines up with one of the cells. Can you help me figure out

After implementing the code, here is the current output:

    <td><div id="adt"></div></td> <!-- 336x280 ad code -->
    <td id="butw"><div id="butto">Follow @Twitter</div></td> <!-- Twitter Button -->
    <td><div id="ado"></div></td> <!-- 300x600 ad code -->  

(visual representation of the result)

I am aiming to position the Twitter div directly below the first TD. I am considering using CSS for alignment or exploring alternative methods that may have slipped my mind.

Answer №1

To reposition the Twitter div, one solution is to move it to a new row.

        <td><div id="adt"></div></td> <!-- 336x280 ad code -->
        <td><div id="ado"></div></td> <!-- 300x600 ad code -->  
        <td id="butw"><div id="butto">Follow @Twitter</div></td> <!-- Twitter Button -->
        <td> <!-- additional TD here --> </td>

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