I'm perplexed as to why my webpage displays differently across various browsers

Currently, I am utilizing the Yahoo CSS reset and all my CSS is based on pixel values rather than relative units like ems. Interestingly, there seems to be a discrepancy in the position of the bottom right corner of the form-containing div between Chrome and Firefox.

To witness this distinction yourself, take a look at the following link: http://jsfiddle.net/rhewitt/anMmX/



/*CSS Reset*/
background:url(../Images/textureslice.png) repeat;

body {

/* Styling Links */
li a{

li a:hover {

/* Navigation Structure */
#nav {

#outterBox li{
padding:0 50px;
border-top:3px solid #93b9bb;
border-bottom:3px solid #93b9bb;
margin:60px 0 0 25px;
padding:5px 0;

#linksLeft li ul {

#amy {
#logo {
background:url(../Images/logocropped.png) no-repeat;

border-top:3px solid #93b9bb;
border-bottom:3px solid #93b9bb;
padding:5px 0;

/* Subnavigation menu */
#linksLeft li ul li {
padding:10px 15px;

#subNav a{ 

#subNav {

#subnavborder {
margin:10px 10px;
border: 6px solid white;
#nav ul ul {

#nav ul li:hover > ul {

Answer №1

The browser text size was adjusted to be greater than 100% (not just the page zoom). This resulted in a distorted rendering on my computer, which is likely why others were unable to replicate the issue.

Answer №2

I am unable to reproduce the discrepancy either.

Have you tried clearing the cache in Chrome? You can also try reloading with shift+f5.

I believe it should resemble the second screenshot.


You can adjust the CSS properties of the buttons, specifically the right property, and it should display correctly in both browsers. It is working fine for me on my end.

Additionally, you may want to consider creating this layout without using absolute positioning for everything.


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