I'm looking to enhance my jQuery image and text slider by incorporating Left/Right Arrow (Next/Previous) functionality. How can I achieve this

Here's what I've got so far: Link to JS Fiddle

Current functionality includes text links that make corresponding text/image fade in. Looking to add left and right arrow functionality to navigate between slides by fading in/out. When on the last slide and right arrow clicked, should loop back to the first slide and vice-versa.

All suggestions or critiques of the current code are welcome. Thank you!


        <!-- Code snippet for HTML goes here -->


        // Javascript code snippet will go here


        /* CSS styling rules to be inserted here */

Answer №1

$(document).ready(function() {
    const totalSlides = $(".slides").length;

To ensure smooth transition between slides, this code keeps track of the total number of slides and automatically loops back to the first slide when reaching the end. By clicking on a slide, it fades out and transitions to the next one, ensuring a continuous slideshow experience for users.

Answer №2

Check out the completed Fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/bpgabrielli/vpfsnhmh/1/

Behold the ultimate arrow script presented below:

<!-- Next Arrow Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        var nextSlide = $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').next();
        var nextControl = $('.slidec.hvr-glow-selected').next();
        if($(".slidei.opaque").is($(".slidei:last"))) {
            $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').removeClass("opaque");
            $('.slidep:first, .slidei:first').addClass("opaque");
        else {
            $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').removeClass("opaque");
<!-- Back Arrow Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
        var prevSlide = $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').prev();
        var prevControl = $('.slidec.hvr-glow-selected').prev();
        if($(".slidei.opaque").is($(".slidei:first"))) {
            $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').removeClass("opaque");
            $('.slidep:last, .slidei:last').addClass("opaque");
        else {
            $('.slidep.opaque, .slidei.opaque').removeClass("opaque");

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