I'm looking for a solution to implement a vertical carousel in Google's Materialize CSS without the need for custom development

Looking to create a unique vertical scrolling "carousel" using Google's Materialize CSS library. I have a good understanding of the steps required to construct a carousel.

# haml
     Some Content
     Some other Content

    some: 'option',

Wondering if there is an option that can be included in either the HTML or JavaScript to enable vertical scrolling?

Upon inspection, it appears that the JavaScript adds the class '.scrolling' to the '.carousel' when the animation commences, resulting in the following styles being applied:

.carousel.scrolling{style="z-index: 0; opacity: 1; visibility: visible; 
  transform: translateX(0px) translateX(5.64957px) translateX(0px) 

Is there a method to modify the translateX to translateY? I have experimented with adding styles such as:

  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

Answer №1

I am exploring a straightforward method to achieve this task. Although there hasn't been any feedback on existing solutions, one potential approach is to rotate the carousel using css transform and then reverse the rotation on each item individually. While I have not yet tested this technique, I believe it has the potential to be effective in many scenarios.

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