I'm experiencing some unusual behavior with the Windows media app when using HTML and CSS

I have a Windows Media Player box on my page, but it overlaps every piece of HTML code. How can I get it to move to the back so that I can still use it? Another problem is that everyone who visits my page needs a plugin to load it, even though most people have Windows Media Player installed on their PC. Can someone help me out and provide some explanation? Thanks in advance!

<object id='mediaplayer' classid='clsid:6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6' type='application/x-oleobject' width='100%' height='150px'>
 <param name='url' value='SONG.mp3'/>
 <param name='autostart' value='1'/>
 <param name='showcontrols' value='1'/>
 <param name='stretchtofit' value='0'/>
 <param name='enablecontextmenu' value='0'/>
 <param name='ShowStatusBar' value='1'>
 <embed src='SONG.mp3' width='100%' height='150px' autostart='1' type='application/x-mplayer2' pluginspage='http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/' transparentatstart='0' animationatstart='0' showcontrols='1' autosize='0' displaysize='0'
 showtracker='0' ShowStatusBar='1'></embed>

Answer №1

It can be challenging to address the first part of your inquiry without access to some sample code for reference. I would suggest incorporating a pre-sized container div to house the player in your preferred location on the page.

In response to the second part of your query:

When you embed a media player in your webpage, users will need to play the file through their web browser. This requires a plugin specific to the user's browser for playback functionality.

This approach is distinct from using Windows Media Player and allows individuals without the player to enjoy the files using their preferred browser and operating system.

If you prefer users to utilize their installed media player, you will need to provide a link for them to download the file and play it on their own computer.

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