"I'm experiencing a problem with display:inline in IIS 7 - can anyone

Unfortunately, our development web server cannot be accessed externally, so sharing a link is not possible. However, I can explain the issue we are experiencing.

While creating markup for a new website on my local machine, everything appears as intended. However, when the website is running on IIS, the list items within an unordered list that have been styled to display inline are still appearing vertically instead of horizontally. This seems to be a recurring problem across all browsers except for Firefox. Interestingly, the source code remains identical whether viewed locally or on the IIS machine.

Given this situation, I am wondering if there is a more effective way to achieve the desired layout. The requirement is to have two rows, each containing three div or span tags. Each tag should include a thumbnail image followed by two lines of text below it. Additionally, all three elements within each tag must be horizontally centered.

Answer №1

It seems likely that a stylesheet is present on your web server but missing from your local machine, causing it to override your CSS rules for ULs. Consider using Firebug or similar tools to investigate this possibility.

Answer №2

Experiment using the UL element. See below for the custom CSS:

<style type="text/css">
    li {list-style:none}
    ul {display:inline}

...as well as the accompanying HTML code:


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