I'm currently utilizing the react mui package, specifically @mui/x-date-pickers. Could someone kindly provide guidance on how to customize the color of the

I am currently working with MUI in React and using the DatePicker component from the @mui/x-date-pickers library. The version I am using is 6.0.3. I have encountered an issue where, upon selecting the first day, the specified color changes as shown in the image below. When reopening the calendar window, the default color is displayed until clicking on another area, which then changes the color back to the specified one. Is there a solution to this problem that anyone can provide? I have tried searching for a fix but haven't had any luck, so I'm reaching out here for help. Please advise if my search approach is incorrect.

https://i.stack.imgur.com/bIEPe.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/0Ixb0.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/efVCM.png

Below is the code snippet I'm using:

import { LGTheme } from '@libs/color';
import { DatePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
import { LocalizationProvider } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider';
import { koKR } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/locales';
import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs';

const DatePickerTest = () => {
    return (
            dateFormats={{ monthAndYear: 'YYYY년 MM월' }}
                    textField: {
                        size: 'small',
                    day: {
                        sx: {
                            ['&[data-mui-date="true"] .Mui-selected']: {
                                // Reset the background color of the selected date
                                backgroundColor: 'blue',
                            ':not(.Mui-selected)': {
                                backgroundColor: '#fff',
                                borderColor: LGTheme[0],
                            '&.Mui-selected': {
                                color: '#fff',
                                backgroundColor: LGTheme[0],
                                borderColor: LGTheme[0],
                                ':hover': {
                                    color: '#fff',
                                    backgroundColor: LGTheme[0],
                                    borderColor: LGTheme[0],
                            ':hover': {
                                color: '#fff',
                                backgroundColor: LGTheme[0],
                                borderColor: LGTheme[0],

export default DatePickerTest;

Answer №1

If you are encountering an issue with the styling of your date picker, it could be due to the use of the .Mui-selected class which only affects the selected date and not the current date. The current date is highlighted when you open the calendar and might not match the selected date. To target the current date, you should utilize the .MuiPickersDay-root class in your sx prop.

To resolve this problem, include both the .MuiPickersDay-root and .Mui-selected classes in your sx prop like this:

    day: {
      sx: {
        "&.MuiPickersDay-root.Mui-selected": {
          backgroundColor: "red",

You can view a complete example here.

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