I'm a complete programming newbie and I want to start learning JavaScript, jQuery, and other programming languages. Where should I

Coming from a design background with zero programming knowledge, I have recently learned XHTML and CSS. Now, I am eager to expand my skills by mastering JavaScript, jQuery, and more. Where should I begin?

This will be my first foray into programming. While I can use and edit existing jQuery/JavaScript scripts, I struggle to create my own or make substantial edits to pre-existing ones.

Are there any posts on Stack Overflow, tutorial links, or recommended books that cater to my specific needs?

Edit 1:

I believe this book would be ideal for me, "DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model".

(source: friendsofed.com)

Edit 2:

Will my background in design and knowledge of XHTML/CSS facilitate a quicker understanding of JavaScript?

Also, is it true that focusing solely on learning jQuery may limit my ability to work with other JavaScript frameworks like MooTools, Prototype, etc.? Would learning core JavaScript provide me with a broader skill set for working with various JavaScript frameworks and functionalities?

Answer №1

The book you have selected is of high quality. If you are new to web design and looking to learn Javascript, starting with jQuery can be a great first step, especially if you are already comfortable with CSS.

Here are some additional resources:

  • jQuery for Designers
  • Programming, the real basics by Chris Heilmann
  • All other Javascript articles in the Opera Web Standards Curriculum

Answer №2

Back in January of this year, I found myself in a similar situation as you. The book mentioned in your post was the same one I turned to for guidance. I highly recommend it. Additionally, "learning jQuery" and "jQuery in action" were both valuable resources for me.

In my view, jQuery can be thought of as a more concise (and user-friendly for a designer accustomed to visual work) version of Javascript. The DOM Scripting book covers techniques that require multiple lines of code, which can be accomplished in just a few lines of jQuery.

Coming from a design background, I primarily utilize jQuery to enhance the user experience with small touches, while leaving more advanced programming tasks to developers. However, I aspire to become proficient enough to assist them in the future.

Below are some websites that I found helpful - best of luck!

http://css-tricks.com/ (excellent beginner tutorials for designers)

Answer №3

Begin your journey by mastering essential JavaScript concepts. Progress to exploring the JavaScript DOM API, and once you have a strong foundation, delve into popular JavaScript libraries such as jQuery.

Answer №4

If you are seeking to deepen your knowledge of JavaScript, it's important to differentiate between learning the language itself and simply mastering a specific library. Understanding JavaScript is key to fully grasping the functionality of any library.

For those looking to dive into raw JavaScript fundamentals, I recommend checking out: JavaScript From Null

Answer №5

If you're interested in learning JavaScript, I recommend checking out the resources provided on the W3Schools tutorial. When it comes to JQuery, the tutorials available on the official JQuery website are a great starting point.

Answer №6

There are countless ways to approach this problem.

  • Consider picking up a quality book on the subject
  • Refer to the jQuery documentation for guidance
  • Experiment with coding it yourself

If jQuery is your main focus, you can get by without mastering the entire language. Stick to the basics and avoid diving into advanced topics. jQuery allows you to write concise code with simple logic most of the time.

Answer №7

jQuery is a user-friendly JavaScript library that can be easily learned, but it's important to have a good understanding of JavaScript basics first. Without this knowledge, you may struggle with more complex tasks and concepts.

The jQuery website provides comprehensive documentation to help users learn and navigate the library.

If you're looking to improve your JavaScript skills, I recommend checking out this resource:


This site offers quizzes to test your knowledge and get you started on the right path.

When working with different browsers, it's essential to conduct thorough testing to ensure compatibility. While jQuery is known for its stability and cross-browser support, it's always beneficial to understand any discrepancies firsthand.

Answer №8

Personally, I believe that w3schools offers a top-notch platform for mastering JavaScript skills.

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