Illustrate an element positioned beneath a child element within a different element

I am in the process of designing an overlay on a Google Map that resembles a real map placed on a table, using 2 pixel lines as creases above the map. This design does not significantly impact interactions with the map; only 6 out of 500 vertical lines are unclickable. I am utilizing a javascript library called ext-forward to forward clicks on better browsers, reducing the issue.

However, the problem arises when markers placed on the map appear below the creases, despite having 3d style shadows.

The markers are children of the map div, while the creases are at the same level as the map div, making them siblings. The map is set at z-index 0 and the markers have a z-index of less than 100. No matter what z-index value I assign to the creases, they always render either above or below the map div and never in between. Is there any way to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

It appears that in order to incorporate the creases effectively, they should be placed within the map div with a z-index lower than the markers but higher than the map. Utilize JavaScript or jQuery to dynamically add the creases as children of the map element when needed (assuming the contents of the map are updated periodically).

Answer №2

Check out this guide for information on how elements should be displayed. Rule 9 seems to address two absolutely positioned items with a positive, non-zero z-index, but without a clear understanding of the layout and positioning of all elements involved in your specific scenario, it's hard to determine which rules apply. Providing some example HTML code could help clarify things for others.

To ensure precise control over the layering of elements, one solution would be to place the creases in the same parent container as the markers and ensure they are both set to position: absolute. If they are not positioned absolutely, the order in which they appear in the document structure may dictate their stacking order.

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