IE browser problem with pointer-events

Encountering a problem with the CSS property pointer-events:none;. It seems to be functioning correctly in modern browsers like Chrome and Mozilla, but is causing issues in Internet Explorer.

Any suggestions for resolving this issue?

Thank you

Answer №1

Original Source

The use of pointer-events is considered a Mozilla hack, and although it has been implemented in Webkit browsers, it may not work as expected in IE11.

Fortunately, I have come across a solution:

Forwarding Mouse Events Through Layers

This method utilizes a plugin that leverages certain lesser-known JavaScript properties to redirect mouse events to another element.

Another alternative JavaScript solution can be found here.

For browsers like IE and Opera, you can achieve similar functionality by simply setting a specific cursor style on an element:

a, a:hover, a:visited, a:active, a:focus /*, * <-- add all tags?*/
    cursor: default;/*plain arrow*/
    text-decoration: none;/*No underline or something*/
    color: #07C;/*Default link colour*/

By using this approach, you should get results comparable to those achieved with pointer-events: none;

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