Ideas for utilizing jQuery to extract data from CSS files

Hey there, I'm facing an issue on my HTML page where I have jQuery included.

In my CSS file, I have quite a lot of lines and I'm trying to figure out how to read all styles for a specific element from the external CSS file rather than the inline styles...

I found this code snippet that I thought would do the trick:

        var styleProperties = {};
        var getCssProperties = ['width', 'margin', 'height'];

        for (c = 0; c <= returnStyleProps.length; c++) {
            styleProperties[returnStyleProps[c]] = $('div#container').css(returnStyleProps[c]);

However, when I run the code, it only seems to alert:

"[Object Object]"

[edit] Can someone please help? I've been stuck on this and nothing seems to work :( [/edit]

Answer №1

let styles = {};
let heading = $('h1')[0];
for(let prop in
    // console.log(prop + typeof(prop));
    let value = $(heading).css(prop);
    if (value && value != '')
        styles[prop] = value;

for(let prop in styles)
    console.log(prop + ': ' + styles[prop]);

If you have an h1 element on the page and are using jQuery, please run this code snippet in firebug for a quick idea...

Answer №2

Begin by typing console.log(styleProperties); and examining the contents of the object in the Firebug console...

Answer №3

If you utilize firebug to set a breakpoint in the code, you can effectively examine the attributes of the specified object. This method will help identify its purpose and whether it meets your requirements.

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