I seem to be encountering a recurring issue with a jinja variable when trying to create an onclick function

Why do I keep encountering this error message: Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list (at bestellen:60:105)

This is the HTML code causing the issue:

  <div class="gerechten">
    {% for gerecht in gerechten %}
    <div class="Gerechtdiv">
      <img src={{gerecht.url}} class="gerechtimg">
      <h3 class="GerechtTitel">{{gerecht.gerecht}}</h3>
      <p class ="GerechtBeschrijving">{{gerecht.beschrijving}}</p>
      <div class ="BottomGerechtDiv">
        <p style="font-size: 17px;"><b>€{{gerecht.prijs}}</b></p>
      <button class="button" onclick="addItemToCart({{gerecht.gerecht}}, {{gerecht.prijs}})" style="cursor: pointer"><span>Add to Cart</span> </button>
    {% endfor %}

The error message specifically points to the line with the button element.

I attempted removing the onclick function, which resolved the error temporarily, but as soon as I reintroduce the function, the error reappears.

Answer №1

Perhaps there is a missing pair of curly brackets in {gerecht.prijs}. To fix this, you should write:

<button class="button" onclick="addItemToCart({{gerecht.gerecht}}, {{gerecht.prijs}})" style="cursor: pointer"><span>Add to Cart</span> </button>

Answer №2

Encountering a Javascript error is the issue at hand.

addItemToCart({{food.item}}, {{food.price}})

The key is to determine the values of food.item and food.price. If you mistakenly form your code as shown here:

addItemToCart(5, "a" b);

and experience the same problem, then this demonstrates where the error lies:

function addItemToCart() {} //mocking the function
addItemToCart(5, "a" b);

Ultimately, it all comes down to the content within your template.

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