I prefer the jumbotron to be uninterrupted by the navbar

I'm facing an issue where my jumbotron is ending up under the navbar, but I want to position it just below with some padding in between. Here's the code snippet:

Take a look at the current appearance here: This is how it looks like

Answer №1

If you're looking to make some adjustments in your .css file, consider including the following code snippet:

header {
    margin-top: 30px;

This can be adjusted according to the height of your actual header.

Answer №2

Incorporating classes from a bootstrap framework automatically applies the CSS rule position: fixed; to your navigation bar. This ensures that your navigation bar remains constantly visible at the top of the screen, even while scrolling down.

To address this issue, you have two options:

  1. Remove the .navbar-fixed-top class from your nav element, though this will result in the navigation bar not being visible at the top when scrolling down.
  2. Alternatively, add some margin-top to your container element to create space and prevent overlapping with the fixed navigation bar.

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