I noticed that the Div element automatically resizes whenever I click anywhere on the page using Chrome

Encountering a problem in Chrome V18 where my gray login box resizes automatically whenever I click anywhere on the page. Any insights on what might be causing this behavior?

EDIT: I've observed the error message below:

event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future.

Just to clarify, I have another code in a different protected directory running jQuery 1.7.2, so that is not the source of the issue.

Answer №1

Swap out <br class="clear" /> with

<div class="clear"></div>

The <br /> tag adjusts its height based on your default font size, so if you need a functional tag like "clear:both," using a div or another element with a size of 0 might be a better option.

PS. The quoted message may not be relevant, but here's some extra information for you:

  1. It's actually a warning, not an error.
  2. Even though it's on the way to being deprecated, it still works for now.

Answer №2

Get rid of the '<br class="clear">' line break tag, or substitute it with

<div class="clear"></div>

Fingers crossed that this solution does the trick!

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