I need to see the image named tree.png

Could someone assist me in identifying the issue with this code that only displays the same image, tree.png, three times?

var bankImages = ["troyano", "backup", "tree"];

jQuery.each( bankImages, function( i, val ) {                
    $('#imagesContainer').css("background-image","url(../images/" + val + ".png)")
                         .animate({width: "show"})
                         .animate({width: "hide"});

Answer №1

There is a better approach to achieve what I believe you are attempting to do.
The appearance of 'tree' 3 times is due to it being the last item in the array and set as the background for $('#imagesContainer'). This happens instantly, thus the last item is displayed first.

To resolve this issue, consider implementing a different logic, such as utilizing setInterval or setTimeout methods to smoothly transition between images.

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