I am facing a challenge with the buttons on one side of my webpage and a main content area occupying most of the page.
My goal is to make clicking a button change the main content to a div that contains relevant information. However, I have struggled to find suitable solutions, despite extensive searches on platforms like stackoverflow.
One idea was to use absolute positioning for the divs and create a script that would change the z-index dynamically. But, I quickly realized this might become messy in implementation.
Another approach involved modifying an existing script that replaces part of an image file name to display different images based on thumbnails. Unfortunately, this approach focused on file names, making it ineffective for my current problem.
I also attempted using JavaScript to link each button click to a specific div by changing the classes and IDs accordingly. However, this method failed to yield any results, suggesting a potential error in my code or approach.
$('#tabhead1').click(function() {
document.getElementByClassName("maintab").id = "tabs1";
This issue is quite frustrating, and any fresh ideas would be greatly appreciated. I purposely left the solution open-ended to avoid limiting any potential suggestions.
Just to clarify further, I have five divs identified as #tabhead1, #tabhead2, #tabhead3, etc., along with five content divs classified as .maintab, and labeled as tabs1, tabs2, tabs3, etc. Initially, only the first content div is visible, and I aim to switch between them based on the clicked button.