I have implemented a custom-built sidebar component and I'm unsure about the process of adding data to it

After successfully incorporating this SideBar into my Vuex/Laravel project, I encountered a problem. The example code provided used:

<div :class="$style.sidebar"/>

However, when I tried to modify it to:

<div :class="$style.sidebar">Content</div>

The changes did not produce the desired result. Upon further experimentation with:

<div :class="$style.sidebar"/>

I encountered an error message since all content should be contained within one tag.

My objective is to utilize the sidebar for displaying my cart data in a table format, with reactivity as well.

Below is the current layout of my cart that I intend to relocate inside the sidebar:

Answer №1

It turns out that I made a mistake while doing something else, which resulted in an error. After sorting out the issue, I tried again with the following code snippet:


<div :class="$style.sidebar">


Fortunately, this time it worked perfectly fine :)

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