I encountered an issue with my shopping cart while using ReactJS

this is the App.js file

import React from "react";
import ListProduct from "./listProduct";
import ListOrder from "./listOrder";
import pizza from "./pizza.jpg";
import './style.css'
import { Container,Row,Col,Button } from 'react-bootstrap';
class App extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      total: 0,
      count: 0,
      products: [
        { id: 0, name: "Cold cuts", price: 5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 1, name: "Pepperoni", price: 3.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 2, name: "Feta", price: 2.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 3, name: "Mozzarella", price: 1.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 4, name: "Swiss cheese", price: 1.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 5, name: "Spices", price: 0.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 6, name: "Vegetables", price: 0.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
      foodsOrder: [],
  handleIncrement = () => {
      count: this.state.count + 1,
  render() {
    return (
      <Container >
          <Col xs = {8}>
              <ListOrder />
          <Col className = 'item'>
            <Row className = 'header'>
              <span>Your pizza : </span>
              <Button variant = 'warning'>Reset Pizza</Button>
              products = {this.state.products}
export default App;

this is the listProduct.js file

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Item from "./Item";
import {Row,Button} from 'react-bootstrap';
class ListProduct extends React.Component {
    render() {
    const {handleIncrement,count,products} = this.props
    return (

       {products.map(product =>  <Item key = {`${product.id}`} {...product}

export default ListProduct;

this is the Item.js file

import React from 'react'
import ListProduct from './listProduct';
import {Row,Col,Button,Badge } from 'react-bootstrap';
class Item extends React.Component{
            const {id,name,price,value,pizza} = this.props
            const {handleIncrement,count} = this.props
        return (
        <Row className = 'item'>
            <Col className = 'information'>
                <p>{`${price} $`}</p>   
            <Col className = 'button'>
                <Button className = 'add' variant = 'success' onClick = {() => {handleIncrement(id)}} >+</Button>
                <Button className = 'delete' variant="danger">-</Button>
export default Item;

When I click the event handler in the button, all variables in `this.state.count` in the `App` class increase as shown in the following image. I've tried other ways but it hasn't worked: https://i.stack.imgur.com/owUPZ.png

I want that when I click a button, only that specific button gets executed. Help me with this issue. Thank you so much........................................

Answer №1

When it comes to managing the count of products, you have been storing just one solitary count. The issue lies in how the state is saved within the App component, thus resulting in a single count for all products listed. To overcome this limitation, you can opt to either preserve a list of counts within the App component and update them accordingly, or assign individual states to each item on the list to keep track of their distinct counts.

Answer №2

Using count as the total may not be what you intended.

If you want to keep track of each product individually, consider separating the count for each product.

constructor() {
    this.state = {
      total: 0,
      products: [
        { id: 0, count: 0, name: "Cold cuts", price: 5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 1, count: 0, name: "Pepperoni", price: 3.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 2, count: 0, name: "Feta", price: 2.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 3, count: 0, name: "Mozzarella", price: 1.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 4, count: 0, name: "Swiss cheese", price: 1.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 5, count: 0, name: "Spices", price: 0.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
        { id: 6, count: 0, name: "Vegetable", price: 0.5, value: 0, src: pizza },
      foodsOrder: [],

Additionally, consider updating your Increase function accordingly.

handleIncrement = (id) => {
    products: this.state.products.map((item) => item.id === id ? {...item, count:item.count+1} : {...item});

Instead of using count, consider utilizing the value attribute for a more organized approach.

Answer №3

It appears that the state.count is being used uniformly across all products. Have you considered incorporating count into each individual product object within state.products? This adjustment would likely necessitate a modification in how the products are passed.

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