I am searching for a way to apply a conditional class to the chosen element in react, as the toggle method does not

I'm working on customizing a dropdown menu and I want to add a functionality where if a parent li menu has an arrow class before the ul element, then clicking on that parent li menu will add a class called showMenu only to that specific sub-menu.

Here is the code snippet:

<ul className="nav-links">
        <a href="#">
            <i className='bx bx-grid-alt'></i>
            <span className="link_name">Dashboard</span>
        <ul className="sub-menu blank">
            <li><a className="link_name" href="#">Category</a></li>
    <li onClick={subMenuToggle} className={`${subMenu ? 'showMenu' : ''}`}> // sub menu parent
        <div className="iocn-link">
            <a href="#">
                <i className='bx bx-collection'></i>
                <span className="link_name">Category</span>
            <i className='bx bxs-chevron-down arrow'></i> // arrow class
        <ul className="sub-menu">
            <li><a className="link_name" href="#">Category</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">HTML & CSS</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">JavaScript</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">PHP & MySQL</a></li>
    <li onClick={subMenuToggle} className={`${subMenu ? 'showMenu' : ''}`}>// sub menu parent
        <div className="iocn-link">
            <a href="#">
                <i className='bx bx-book-alt'></i>
                <span className="link_name">Posts</span>
            <i className='bx bxs-chevron-down arrow'></i> // arrow class
        <ul className="sub-menu">
            <li><a className="link_name" href="#">Posts</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Login Form</a></li>
            <li><a href="#">Card Design</a></li>

I have attempted to implement this functionality by setting an onClick handler subMenuToggle in the parent submenu li. However, when I click on any sub menu parent item, it opens all the sub-menus instead of just the one I clicked on.

 const [subMenu, setSubMenu] = useState(false)
    const subMenuToggle = () => {

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It seems like there may be a simpler way to achieve the desired functionality. Instead of using a separate subMenu state, you can utilize the classList property of the element that is being clicked on.

const subMenuToggle = (e)=>{

Incorporate this approach by updating your li elements as follows:

/* In addition to 'showMenu', you can add any default classes required for this element */
<li onClick={subMenuToggle} className=""> // parent menu item
   <div className="iocn-link">
      <a href="#">
        <i className='bx bx-collection'></i>
          <span className="link_name">Category</span>
      <i className='bx bxs-chevron-down arrow'></i> // arrow icon
   <ul className="sub-menu">
     <li><a className="link_name" href="#">Category</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">HTML & CSS</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">JavaScript</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">PHP & MySQL</a></li>

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