I am looking to create a div that can consistently refresh on its own without needing to refresh

I have implemented a comment system using ajax that is functioning well. I am looking to incorporate an ajax/js code to automatically refresh my "time ago" div every 5 seconds so that the time updates while users are viewing the same post.

Important note:

I am specifically seeking a code that will send a request to the server to refresh the contents of a specific div after a set time interval, without reloading the entire page or div.

I am new to working with js/ajax and have attempted the following code which has not successfully updated the content as desired:

$(document).ready(function () {    
    setInterval(function () {
    }, 1000);

The desired outcome is:

<div class="p_timeAgo" id="showtimeago"> <?php time_stamp($timePost);?></div>

Can anyone offer assistance in resolving this issue?

Answer №1

If you're unsure about the UI being used, here is a PHP version (since JQuery is similar) that can be customized according to your needs.

function loadContent(){
$('#showtimeago').load('test.php',function () {

 loadContent(); // This function will run when the page loads
  loadContent() // this will run every 5 seconds
 }, 5000);

Give this code a try:

<div id="showtimeago"></div>

}, 5000);

The 'test.php' page serves as the point of reference for refreshing content.

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