I am in need of a JavaScript event that will take precedence over the CSS pointer

There is an image causing issues with scrolling on a mobile device because it's located in the finger-friendly area where people tend to scroll. I attempted to use pointer-events: null; to allow scrolling, but this also prevented the click event from working since the image is a button.

I tried using JavaScript to override the CSS property, but it didn't work as expected. Is there another way to achieve this?


.element-id {
    position: fixed;
    pointer-events: none;




The issue is that a fixed position element is disrupting the normal scrolling behavior of the page.

While researching online, I came across "bubbling" but I'm not sure how it could be relevant here. From my understanding, it allows events to travel down through the DOM hierarchy, but I'm unsure if it can help resolve this particular issue. Can someone clarify how bubbling works in this context?

Answer №1

It may not be the most efficient solution, but it gets the job done...

Step #1:
Delete the pointer-events: none; style.

Step #2:
Utilize the wheel (or for older browsers, mousewheel) event for scrolling on non-scrollable images. While the image itself doesn't provide scrolling functionality, you can calculate it using the wheel event. For this task, I recommend utilizing jQuery and the jQuery Mouse Wheel Plugin, which simplifies the calculation process. You can also refer to this question for further guidance.

Step #3:
Manually pass on the scroll action to the element intended for scrolling by employing JavaScript's native Element#scroll(...) method or jQuery as well.


To grasp why this answer is distinct from the query Manually trigger a scroll event of DOM element?, please examine the comments section and consider how the solution provided in that other question may offer better assistance.

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