I am having trouble setting a component to show up as inline-block in Angular2

Within my Angular2 application, I am facing an issue with displaying multiple instances of a child component - app-video-container - in a grid layout using inline-block. The parent component generates these instances using an ngFor loop but they appear stacked vertically instead of in a grid format. Interestingly, substituting inline-block with float:left resolves the problem and renders the videos in a grid as desired. However, for specific requirements, I need to use inline-block rather than float. What am I missing in my implementation? Why does float property work while inline-block fails to produce the expected result? Here is a simplified version of my code:

Parent component HTML:

<div *ngFor="let video of videos">

CSS for parent component

:host {

App-video-container component HTML:

<div class="videoContainer">
    <iframe [src]="videoURL" allowfullscreen></iframe>

App-video-container component CSS

.videoContainer {
margin-bottom: 20px;

Answer №1

inline-block isn't behaving as expected because each .videoContainer div is wrapped with a parent div.

Simply remove the videoContainer class from the inner div.

    <iframe [src]="videoURL" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then, add it to the outer div like this:

<div class="videoContainer" *ngFor="let video of videos">

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