Within the code snippet below, the "simple-point-box" CSS class creates a basic box with drag and drop functionality. Multiple simple boxes are stored in the items array. I am currently looping through each item, which consists of a button and right value. My goal is to position each item based on its specific values. I plan to achieve this by using the style tag and assigning bottom and right values from each item. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I have hit a roadblock.
<div id="widgetspace"
*ngFor="let item of items"
ngDraggable ngResizable (started)="onStart($event)" (stopped)="onStop($event)" (movingOffset)="onMoving($event)"
[preventDefaultEvent]="true" (endOffset)="onMoveEnd($event,item,'widgetspace')" ##style="bottom: 200px; right: 300px"##>
I simply need to adjust the style tag values based on each item's content so that each item is positioned according to its saved position.