HTML tables with stripes and row spans

I found the initial table on this link.

After reviewing the original table, I am looking to make modifications as shown in the highlighted image below. However, when attempting to add rowspan and colspan attributes to the td elements, I encountered an issue with row span in striped tables causing disruption in the alternating colors, resulting in an unsightly appearance.

If anyone could assist me with this challenge, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer №1

To enhance the presentation, consider encasing those three texts within a nested table. Each instance of FREE xmins can then be treated as an individual table cell (<td>) in this manner:

<td colspan="3">
            <td>FREE 50 mins</td>
            <td>FREE 100 mins</td>
            <td>FREE 200 mins</td>

Answer №2

Create three separate spans within the cell.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this using HTML:


And here is the corresponding CSS style:

table td span {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 30%;
    background: lightblue;

You can view a live demonstration here.

Answer №3

<td colspan="3" id="TD_97"> <div class="xyz">
    <div class="abc">   &nbsp;Enjoy 50 minutes for free  </div>
<div class="abc">   Get 100 minutes absolutely FREE  </div>
<div class="abc">   Receive 200 free minutes today  </div>

       <div class="aa">   *Rate: RM0.15 per minute (local fixed and mobile calls)</div> </div>


height: 168px;
    line-height: 21px;
    outline: rgb(81, 94, 108) none 0px;
    padding: 8px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 250px;
.abc {
    border:double 3px black;
.aa {
    border:double 3px black;


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