HTML element DIV positioned above the iframe

I am looking for a way to automatically place a "PLAY" div above each iframe instead of doing it manually.

I have successfully done it manually but I'm not sure how to achieve the same result with a script or using CSS.

Below is my HTML markup:

<ul data-role="listview" id="resultat"></ul>

And here is the Javascript code I am using:

$('#resultat').append('<li class="liste" ><iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="140" height="100" src="" frameborder="0"/></li>').listview("refresh");

Currently, I am positioning the div above the iframe manually using z-index and position attributes. However, I don't believe this is the best approach for automating the process.

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

In addition to Matyas' response, I have made some modifications to his code to ensure it can be fully implemented. Before delving into the details, please check out the demo:


As you can observe, I dynamically set the widths and heights so that the overlayDiv is perfectly centered within the iFrame. Feel free to adjust the width and height of the overlayDiv as needed, and the script will automatically adapt the start button's position.

It's crucial to maintain the following HTML structure for successful implementation:

<div id="vidFrame" class="play">
 <iframe id="video" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="520" height="330" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<div class="overlayDiv">
    <img src="" alt="facebook" width="90px" />

The width and height of vidFrame do not need to be predefined since they will match the iFrame's dimensions.

Additionally, pay attention to these specifics:

  • wmode=opaque should be the first parameter in the video URL
  • We enable enablejsapi=1 to control video playback

The jQuery function used is as follows:

$.fn.loadOverlay = function() {
    $('iframe').each(function(idx, iframe){     
        var imageHeight = $('.overlayDiv').height();
        var imageWidth = $('.overlayDiv').width();
        var marginTop = $('#video').height();
        var marginTop = marginTop/2-imageHeight/2;    
        var marginLeft = $('#video').width();
        var marginLeft = marginLeft/2-imageWidth/2;     
            top: marginTop,      
            left: marginLeft,

While lengthy, this calculation explicitly centers the overlay within the iFrame. Shorter methods are feasible, but this one provides clarity on the process.

Moreover, note that yt players typically display a red play button at the center when loading a video.

To remove this button, utilize the following trick:

function onPlayerReady(event){

This method involves playing and immediately pausing the video to eliminate the button. However, please be aware that this technique does not function on mobile devices. It does offer the benefit of initiating video buffering automatically, enhancing user experience.

Lastly, the jsFiddle example is self-explanatory, so take your time to review and grasp the concept.

I trust this addresses your query. Best of luck!

Answer №2

$('iframe').each(function(idx, iframe){   // loop through each iframe
    var $iframe = $(iframe);              // create a jQuery reference for the current iframe
    $('.overlayDiv')                      // select the overlay template to place over each iframe
       .clone()                           // make a copy of it
       .appendTo('body')                  // add it to the end of the page
       .css({                             // set the dimensions and position of the overlay 
          top: $iframe.offset().top,      // position above the iframe
          left: $iframe.offset().left,
          height: $iframe.height(),
          width: $iframe.width(),
       }).show();                         // display the hidden overlay

Before implementation, ensure your .overlayDiv has these initial styles:

.overlayDiv {
    position: absolute;   /* placed above the iframe using javascript positioning */
    display: none;        /* hide the master template initially */
    z-index: 4953;        /* ensure the overlay appears on top of other elements */

This code hasn't been tested yet, but I wrote it while my build was running. You may need to adjust the positioning as needed.

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