HTML animation effect on subpage with a URL modification [LATEST UPDATE]

Can you smoothly load a new subpage in the background, update the URL, and fade it in while an animation is playing on the previous page?

Check out this example (jsFiddle) to see a simple animation:

$(document).ready(function() {
    'use strict';
    $('.r').on('click', function() {
        var preWidth = $('.l').width(),
            menuWidth = $('.r').width();
            left: '-' + preWidth
        }, 2000, 'easeOutQuad');
            left: menuWidth
        }, 2000, 'easeOutQuad', function() {
                visibility: 'hidden'

Imagine it like a sliding door. Here's how it should function:

  1. Click on the right div.
  2. The two divs slide outward.
  3. In the background, the new page fades in as the sliding animation plays.
  4. The new page becomes fully visible and the URL changes accordingly.

I hope that explanation makes sense. I appreciate any help! Have a wonderful day.


Initially, I encountered an issue with my browser's back button not working correctly when trying to load the first page "loader.html" with the animation. As a workaround, I utilized an if statement to monitor a variable's state. Is there a more efficient way to handle this situation?

window.addEventListener('popstate', function(f){
        var bprsd = f.state;
        if(bprsd == null){
            bprsd = "loader.html";
        if(bprsd = "loader.html" || " "){
            bprsd = null;

You can explore the test site here

Answer №1

A response that is a mix of both affirmative and negative.

Indeed, it is achievable but not within your current framework. To accomplish this, you must load the alternate page using $.load:

var website="example.html";
  //perform fadeout
  //complete the process with fadein


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