How to Use Absolute Positioning in Bootstrap 3.0 to Position Child Divs

I have a div block that needs to always be displayed at the bottom of the section, regardless of whether the section above is empty. The inner div should stay at the bottom of the section, as shown in the attached image.

This is my current code:

<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-6" style="position:relative; min-height:300px;">
  Content for upper section 

  <div class="row" style="position:absolute; bottom:0 !important;">
      <div class="col-xs-12">
        Div at the footer section of the parent div 

Although I expect the bottom div to remain at the footer of the parent div even if there is no content in the top section, it currently starts from the top section. Please help me resolve this issue.

Answer №1

Double check your spelling, there's a minor error:

Replace positoin with position

Answer №2

It appears that your code has custom styling applied, which is why the row-class is correctly positioned at the bottom.

Additionally, Bootstrap automatically sets all col-* classes to position relative by default, eliminating the need to specify it in a style tag.

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