How to toggle a div's visibility in AngularJS with a click事件

I am developing a filter that requires me to create 3 popups using the ng-repeat directive in Angular. Each popup should have the same class name but a different id. When a button is clicked, I want one popup to show while the rest hide.

I currently have a working code using a single scope variable, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to achieve this. In jQuery, it only takes 2 lines of code to accomplish this, but I'm unsure of the most efficient method in Angular.

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {

    $scope.IsVisible = [false];

    $scope.mainList = [];
    var obj = {}; = "swimlanes";
    obj.list = [];
    obj = {}; = "programs";
    obj.list = [];
    obj = {}; = "programs";
    obj.list = [];

    //click event of rect trangle
    $ = function(key, index) {
        var flag = $scope.IsVisible[index];
        $scope.IsVisible = [false];
        $scope.IsVisible[index] = !flag;
        $scope.myObj = {
            "top": key.currentTarget.offsetTop + "px",
            "left": key.currentTarget.clientWidth + 10 + "px"

   <div  ng-repeat="val in mainList" id={{}} class="mainPopup" ng-show="IsVisible[$index]" ng-style="myObj">

The current code works well, but I am seeking a more optimal approach. If you have any suggestions or improvements, please let me know.

Here is the working code.

Answer №1

To enhance the controller, consider replacing the $scope.IsVisible with a variable that directly references the selected item in mainList. This way, there is no need to manage an array of booleans.

$scope.selected = null;

Modify $ as follows:

$ = function(key, index) {
    $scope.selected = $scope.mainList[index];
    $scope.myObj = {
        "top": key.currentTarget.offsetTop + "px",
        "left": key.currentTarget.clientWidth + 10 + "px"

Furthermore, ensure to update your HTML to utilize $scope.selected for controlling the visibility of the details:

<div  ng-repeat="val in mainList" id={{}} class="mainPopup" ng-show="val == selected" ng-style="myObj"></div>

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