How to style an entire list using AngularJS ng-repeat

Creating an image grid view gallery using ng-repeat and CSS is proving to be a challenge. Here is the code I am currently working with:

<div class="grid-container" style="display:block;">
<ul class="rig columns-3" ng-repeat="element in elementsList track by $index">
         <img ng-src='{{src_url}}' ng-click="routeTo('/')"/>            

The issue arises when trying to display 3 images per row using CSS. While hardcoding three <li> tags works perfectly, dynamically loading through ng-repeat results in only one image per row. It seems that the CSS styles are applied before the ng-repeat list, preventing the grid layout from forming as desired.

Any suggestions on how to correct this problem?

Answer №1

It appears that in this code snippet, the <ul> element is being repeated three times instead of the <li> element.

To correct this, you can move the ng-repeat directive to the <li> element like so:

<ul class="rig columns-3">
    <li ng-repeat="element in elementsList track by $index">
         <img ng-src='{{src_url}}' ng-click="routeTo('/')"/>            

(And just a reminder, do you really need to use {{src_url}} or should it be {{element.src_url}} instead?)

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