`How to show several div elements with a single click using Angular.js`

My code snippet is structured as follows:

   <div ng-controller="ClientCtrl">

        <div ng-show="shows">hello</div>

        <div ng-show="show">world</div>

        <button ng-click="show=!show">click</button>


Currently, when the click button is clicked, only the second div (World) is displayed. However, I am interested in finding a way to display both div elements simultaneously when the click button is pressed. How should this be achieved?

Answer â„–1

In order for the divs to appear on distinct variables, you may consider implementing the following approach:

<button ng-click="toggle=!toggle;toggles=!toggles">click</button>

An alternative could be creating a function within the controller. However, it is worth questioning if displaying on separate variables is truly necessary.

Answer â„–2

Give this a shot:

<div ng-hide="hide">hola</div>

<div ng-hide="hide">mundo</div>

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