How to set textboxes as read-only depending on the drop-down choice?

After developing some scripts to automatically populate the data-length and data-width in textboxes based on a dropdown selection, I now face the challenge of making the .width and .length textboxes readonly depending on the selected dropdown option.

Is there a way to modify the code below to achieve this functionality?

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('select.cargo_type').change(function() {
        var eur1width = $('select.cargo_type').find(':selected').data('width');

        //make width textbox readonly

        var eur1length = $('select.cargo_type').find(':selected').data('length');

        //make length textbox readonly

Answer №1

If you want to make a textbox uneditable, you can utilize the prop method.

$('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', true);

$('.length').val(eur1length).prop('readonly', true);

To allow editing again, simply set the readonly property to false:

$('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', false);

$('.length').val(eur1length).prop('readonly', false);


if (eur1width == 'myVal') {
    $('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', true);
} else {
    $('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', false);

Answer №2

To make an element read-only or undo the read-only status, you can use the prop('readonly',true/false); method.

if(eur1width == 'checking_val'){
   $('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', true);
   $('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', false);


If you want to toggle the read-only property:

   $('.width').val(eur1width).prop('readonly', !$(this).prop('readonly'));

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