How to retrieve the width of a document using jQuery?

Having a strange issue with determining the document width using $(document).width() during $(window).load and $(window).resize. The problem arises when the browser is initially full screen and then resized to a narrower width, causing content to require horizontal scrolling. When this occurs, the header and footer divs abruptly end instead of extending 100% of the document width. Only a page refresh resolves the issue. Is there a way to dynamically update the header and footer divs when the browser window is resized? Here is the code I have tried so far without success.

$(window).load(function() {
$(window).resize(function() {
function resize_me() {
    var doc_width = $(document).width();

Answer №1

Experiment with using window.innerWidth, it should provide you with the dimensions of the viewport.

Avoid reliance on jQuery for this task.

Alternatively, consider simply assigning a width of 100% to both elements using CSS:

#header, #footer {
    width: 100%;

Answer №2

To interpret your statement correctly, you might want to consider implementing the following code in your stylesheet as a more efficient alternative to using JavaScript.

#header, #footer{
    width : 100%;

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