How to properly resize absolutely positioned elements using CSS

Can anyone advise on how to properly scale down elements with absolute positioning so they maintain their proportions when the screen size is reduced, without using media queries? I have included an image below showing the current desktop view.

Here is the JSX code:

     <div className={styles.relativeParent}>
          {/* <img src="/home_6.png" alt="lamp" className={styles.lamp} /> */}
          <div className={styles.obj_container}>
          <img src="/home_lamp.png" alt="lamp" className={styles.lamp} />
          <img src="/home_10.png" alt="plane" className={styles.plane} />
          {/* <img src="/home_7.png" alt="lamp-light" className={styles.lampLight} /> */}
          <p className={`${styles.homeSubHeading} ${styles.narrowHeading}`}>
            Finding it difficult to start? We’re here to{" "}
            <span className={styles.gradient}>help</span>{" "}
          <p className={`${styles.homeContent} ${styles.narrowText}`}>
            At Raisze, whether you’re a student, designer, young professional,
            restarting your career or a visionary and dreamer, as long as you’re
            a startup builder, you will find support. We help early-stage
            startups validate, raise funds and find first customers with a
            platform that enables reward based crowdfunding.

And the corresponding CSS code :

  position: relative;

.lamp {
  position: absolute;
  top: -1.5rem;
  right: 22rem;
  width: 9rem;

.plane {
  position: absolute;
  width: 9rem;
  top: 2rem;
  left: 13rem;

.lampLight {
  position: absolute;
  width: 10rem;
  top: -2rem;
  right: 25rem;
.homeSubHeading {
  margin: 0;
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
  font-size: 3rem;
  font-weight: bold;

Answer №1

Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  • To avoid image distortion, ensure the height of images is set to auto.

  • For proportional resizing of images in relation to the parent element (.obj-container) during screen resize, utilize percentage values for widths.

  • To prevent unpredictable positioning or displacement of images during screen resize, employ percentage values for positioning. (Positioning based on rem means aligning the <img>s with the font-size of the parent element or browser if the parent element does not have a specified font-size. While this method may work at certain screen sizes, it might not be sufficient. It's crucial to position elements relative to the parent element's dimensions using percentages.)

  • In order for points 2 and 3 to function correctly, you must assign a width and height to the parent element of the <img>s (.obj-container).

Here is an example (using ellipsis ... for brevity):

.lamp {
    top: -1.5%;
    right: 22%;
    width: 10%;
    height: auto;

.plane {
    top: 2%;
    left: 13%;
    width: 15%; 
    height: auto;

.lampLight {
    top: -2%;
    right: 25%;
    width: 10%;
    height: auto;

.obj_container {
    position: relative;
    width: 100vw;
    height: 60vh;
    max-height: 80vh;

The values for top, left, right, and width given for the <img>s are examples; feel free to adjust them as needed.

Additionally, note that the .obj-container div has a width of 100vw, occupying the entire viewport width. The height is set to 60vh with a maximum height of 80vh to accommodate smaller screens. You can modify these values according to your requirements.

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