How to make a Material UI Dialog Box automatically expand to fit the Dialog Content Area

In my project, I am working on a Dialog component which has a maximum width and a minimum height. Inside the DialogContent, I want to have a Box element that stretches to fill out the remaining space of the DialogContent. The goal is to have a background image fill this Box.

Unfortunately, I have been struggling to find a way to make the Box stretch to occupy the remaining space of the dialog content.

          sx: {
            minHeight: "60%"
        <DialogTitle>Test dialog</DialogTitle>
            bgcolor: "#41f1b6"
            You can set my maximum width and decide if I should adapt or not.
              display: "flex",
              width: "75%",
              height: "100%",
              bgcolor: "#ff7782"
            I need this to fill up the rest of DialogContent

          <Button onClick={handleClose}>Close</Button>

When I implement this code setup, I end up with a layout like the following:

My main issue lies in trying to get the red background color to extend all the way down to meet the green one. Despite experimenting with various height values, I haven't found a solution yet. Although setting the width to 75% works fine.

You can view the corresponding example in this CodeSandbox sandbox

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, ensure both the container and content have the flex property enabled. Then, set flex-direction to column and flex-grow to 1 in order for it to occupy the remaining space.

Check out this example on CodeSandbox

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