How to integrate half-star ratings in Ionic

Recently, I have been struggling with implementing half stars in the rating module of my Ionic mobile application. When the average rating is not a whole number, I opted to round it off and display an Ionic icon star. Below are snippets of the code I currently have:

<span *ngIf="item.rating" class="review">     
  <ion-icon name="star" *ngIf="Round(item.rating) > 0"></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="star" *ngIf="Round(item.rating) > 1"></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="star" *ngIf="Round(item.rating) > 2"></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="star" *ngIf="Round(item.rating) > 3"></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="star" *ngIf="Round(item.rating) > 4"></ion-icon>

I am now looking for alternatives to displaying half stars without the need to round off the ratings. Any suggestions or advice on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

Take a look at this amazing library right here:

To install, simply run the following command:

npm install --save ionic2-rating

Here's how you can use it in your project:


Answer №2

Looking to enhance your project? Check out this library:

Alternatively, bootstrap can also be utilized. However, keep in mind that implementing this technique may lead to heightened code complexity and is not necessarily the best practice.

Answer №3

Visit the npm package for Ionic 2 Rating

To install, use the command: npm install --save ionic2-rating

This also worked for me to enable half ratings and there are CSS customization options available as well.

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