How to horizontally center a div with margin using CSS

Is there a way to horizontally center a div with margins using CSS?

<div id="container">
    <div id="center_me"></div>


    margin:0 50px;

I want to maintain a margin on the centered div, so setting margin:0 auto won't work. The technique I am using with "left:50%" and "translateX(-50%)" does not account for the margin. Is there a way to achieve this fluidly while keeping the same fixed margin when the window size changes? Am I missing something obvious?

Pure CSS solutions only please. Thank you.

Answer №1

Is there a way to apply the margin to a different div that is nested inside #center_me?

<div id="container">
    <div id="center_me">
        <div id="i_have_the_margin"></div>

Instead of adding margin directly to #center_me, you can apply it to #i_have_the_margin like this - (Tested in Opera)

Answer №2

When trying to position an element on a webpage with a responsive design, it's important to consider the impact of margins on centering. If you offset an element from the center using margins, it may no longer appear centered.

To achieve a central-ish positioning, one approach is to use percentage-based margin widths and visually adjust the placement until it appears centralized. Here's a simple example:


.hero-text-area-container {
  background: #d6ffd1;
  float: left;
  margin: 0% 30%;
  padding-top: 20em;
  position: relative;
  width: 50%;

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