How to emphasize the anchor tag chosen within Angularjs by utilizing ng-repeat

After gathering some data, I have successfully bound it to anchor tags using ng-repeat.

<table style="width: 60%">
                    <td style="text-align: center" ng-repeat="displayyears in displayYears">
                            <a href="javascript:void(0)" style="padding: 30px,30px,30px,30px; font-size: 18px" ng-class="StyleOfYear" ng-click="selectedYear(displayyears,this)">{{displayyears}}</a>

Here is the CSS code

    .slectedYear {
        background-color: red;

    .loadYear {
        background-color: none;

  • I'm currently facing an issue where all anchor tags change their background color when clicked. Here's what I've tried:

Javascript code snippet

 $scope.StyleOfYear = "loadYear";
  $scope.selectedYear = function (value, context) {
            context.$parent.StyleOfYear = "slectedYear";
            $scope.selectedYearValue = value;

Unfortunately, my current implementation changes the background color of all anchor tags instead of just the selected one.

My code currently selects all anchor tags when I click on a specific year like 2015.

However, I would like to specifically change the background color of the anchor tag corresponding to 2015 only when it is clicked, keeping all other anchor tag backgrounds non-colored.

This is how I envision the outcome:

I am attempting to implement a menu highlighting feature for active items using ng-repeat, but I am unsure about the best way to achieve this.

Answer №1

Consider adjusting your approach for better results. Utilize a service to manage the years and include a 'selected' attribute in the returned year object.

Utilize ng-repeat to loop through these objects, determining and displaying colors based on the attribute value for each item within ng-repeat.

Your selectedYear function can be housed within the service, simply toggling the designated object with selected=true. The data bindings will handle the rest.

There are various methods to achieve this depending on your code's syntax and structure, but the following example could potentially work (though untested):

var module = angular.module('myapp', []);

module.service('yearService', function(){
    this.years = [
        { 'display': '2012', 'selected': false },
        { 'display': '2013', 'selected': false },
        { 'display': '2014', 'selected': false },
        { 'display': '2015', 'selected': true },
        { 'display': '2016', 'selected': false },
        { 'display': '2017', 'selected': false },
        { 'display': '2018', 'selected': false }
    this.selectYear = function selectYear(year) {
        // iterate through the years and set only the 
        // selected one to true, others to false

Be sure to inject the service into your controller and assign it to scope (e.g., as yearService, and

<table style="width: 60%">
        <td style="text-align: center" ng-repeat="year in yearService.years">
                <a href="#" class="year" ng-class="{year.selected: slectedYear}" ng-click="yearService.selectYear(year)">{{year.display}}</a>

Note that I assumed a base CSS class of .year instead of using the style tag, while incorporating your existing .slectedYear class.

Your HTML also warrants revision - please eliminate the table!

EDIT: I neglected to add the dynamic class - rectified now.

Answer №2

I received this information from @Sam

In order to apply a style conditionally, I utilized ng-class

Modification in HTML:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" style="padding: 30px,30px,30px,30px; 
 font-size: 18px" **ng-class="{slectedYear: displayyears==selectedYearValue}"** 

Styling section:

    .slectedYear {
        background-color: red;

    .loadYear {
        background-color: none;

Javascript code:

$scope.selectedYear = function (value, context) {
            $scope.selectedYearValue = value;

I implemented a simple condition where if the displayed year matches the selected year, it assigns the slectedYear class


The following code successfully resolved my issue

ng-class="{slectedYear: displayyears==selectedYearValue}

Thank you.

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