How to eliminate ampersands from a string using jQuery or JavaScript

I'm having trouble with a seemingly simple task that I can't seem to find any help for online.

My CSS class names include ampersands in them (due to the system I'm using), and I need to remove these using jQuery. For example, I want to change:




If anyone could offer some assistance with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Answer №1

To update all of them, here is a solution:

$('[class*=\\&]').each(function()  {
    $(this)[0].className = $(this)[0].className.replace(/&/g,"");      

Answer №2

Give it a shot:

var region = "Middle&East";
region.replace('&', '');

Answer №3

If you're using jQuery, make sure to escape the "&" character.

Here's a suggestion:


Check out the DEMO here

Here is a general solution for removing the "&" from a class name:

        var $this = $(this),cname = $this.attr('class').replace(/&/g,'');



Answer №4

Possibly consider this alternative


Answer №5

I found a solution that works for my needs:

$(function() {
    $('[class="Middle&East"]').toggleClass('Middle&East MiddleEast');

You can test it out on jsfiddle here:

Answer №6

let targetClass = $(el).attr('class');
let newClass = targetClass.replace('&', '');
$(el).attr('class', newClass);

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