How to effectively implement light and dark themes using SCSS colors?

Currently, I am utilizing Vue.js and SCSS along with PrimeVue and Element plus, where I am importing their variables. My objective is to dynamically change the theme color.

In my dark-variables.scss file, I have defined various color variables for different elements in the theme:

$--color-primary: #c9d1d9 !default;
$--color-white: #11141a !default;
$--color-black: #000000 !default;
$--color-primary-light-1: mix($--color-white, $--color-primary, 10%) !default; /* 53a8ff */
$--color-info: #909399 !default;

The main focus is on changing the $--color-primary variable based on the selected theme. For instance, setting it to white for a light theme and black for a dark theme.

To achieve this, I attempted using the following code snippet:

$themes: (
  darkTheme: (
    "text-color": rgb(245, 0, 0),
    "bg-color": #424242,
  lightTheme: (
    "text-color": black,
    "bg-color": #f5f5f5,

@mixin theme() {
  @each $theme, $map in $themes {
    $theme-map: $map !global;
    .#{$theme} & {
  $theme-map: null !global;

@function theme-get($key) {
  @return map-get($theme-map, $key);

// - Error
$--color-primary: theme-get("text-color");

Unfortunately, this code triggered an error which states:

Syntax Error: SassError: Undefined variable.
56 │   @return map-get($theme-map, $key);
   │                   ^^^^^^^^^^
  src\assets\styles\element-variables.scss 56:19  theme-get()
  src\assets\styles\element-variables.scss 59:19  @import
  src\assets\styles\kendoUI\kendoUI.scss 1:9      @import
  E:\Sproj\Web\src\assets\styles\styles.scss 7:9    

How can I resolve this issue and make it work as intended?

Answer №1

I believe there are a couple of adjustments that need to be made:

  1. The incorrect syntax involving dynamic class with & needs to be removed

  2. We should also ensure that the mixin is included to initialize $theme-map

      darkTheme: (
        "color": rgb(245, 0, 0),
        "background-color": #424242,
      lightTheme: (
        "color": black,
        "background-color": #f5f5f5,
    @mixin theme() {
      $theme-map: null !global;
      @each $theme, $map in $themes {
        $theme-map: $map !global;
        .#{$theme} {
    @include theme();
    @function theme-get($key) {
      @return map-get($theme-map, $key);
    // - Error
    $--color-primary: theme-get("text-color");
    .theme {
        color: $--color-primary;

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